Hi there again Blogspot. Like I said before on my last post, I'm sorry that I've not been writing as of lately. Life's been getting very busy and I hardly have any time to take care of myself let alone my blog, but I am sorting that out as of today :)
Above is me, like i was saying on my last post I've managed to becoming ginger (its a little more ginger in person than on this photo) but it was quite a long process. I had my boyfriend literally scrub Colour B4 into my hair to rid me of my browny red and such. Then I now have to wash my hair every few days with a dye called Harmony, its an old shampoo dye that you can buy for about £1.80 a tube, I get about two washes out of it instead of the recommend one.
I haven't really been buying any new beauty products as of the last few weeks but i've been using up loads so I will try to do an empties post. I've also discovered a LOVE for Garnier's BB cream but the new oil free version. I've been using it for about a month and a half now and never looked back. I even bought Lush's colour supplement as I've been dying to try it and it was just horrible up to my BB cream.
When I'm stressed of I've had a busy day at work I still reach for my favorite Lush face mask, Catastrophe Cosmetic to rid me of my stress spots and horrible skin tone.
I can't think of much more to say right now, I will be posting reviews and such properly again soon but for now this was just a quick update whilst I had 10 minutes on the boyfriends computer. Keep reading and I'll be back soon! Thank you!
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