Saturday, 19 May 2012

Curves VS Skinny.

Thats a big conversation I know. But i've been thinking about it lately and its an odd thing. (I've gained about 2 stone in the past year or so, due to meeting my boyfriend and becoming overly comfortable and my contraceptive injection screwing with my body)

I've always respected women like Christina Hendricks who appreciates her curves and flaunts them but I cant think if she truly feels that comfortable with her body inside her head. A lot of people think im quite confident with my body but the truth is i'd do anything to be skinny again. Losing about 2-3 stone would probably make me a very happy young lady, but then would it?

I may not be making a huge amount of sense but whilst im typing this im really thinking about how many of us are actually comfortable with the size we are. Quite a lot of skinny girls I know talk about wanting to be curvier but not 'fat'. But then anyone who see who is curvy or classed as 'slightly overweight' (I am overweight according to my BMI by the way) they CRAVE to lose weight or be slightly skinnier. I mean if I could tone up my body in the next week and BAM have no stretch marks on my legs or no muffin top and such, then i'd be amazingly happy.

Its just a strange debate as to wether the general female public are actually happy with their bodies. Im scared for the summer to come, getting my body out in shorts or a bikini but then should I be?

I'd love to here from some of you as to what you think about this whole thing. Are you skinny but you'd crave to have more curves or are you curvy like me and you'd love to be skinnee? Or are you actually a female goddess like Christina Hendricks who can happily say 'I love my body. End of.'

Goodbye for now bloggers.

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