Hi again guys, i'm currently home ill from work due to not being very well and well, i'm a touch bored so I thought what better time to sit down and start working on the blog again. So this is going to be my first update on this blog about my Slimming World journey. Many of you may currently follow me on Instagram and can see my journey in action week to week. I try to post as many food related items with syn values as much as I can but also update you guys on my journey in photo form.

So here is a little about the slimming world journey so far. I started SW back on the 26th of February 2014 due to the lack of confidence I was feeling in myself and in the way I looked. I've been an avid dieter since about 2010-2011. When I was younger, I could eat whatever I wanted and would stay slim and everyone would wonder how my metabolism fought it off so much. Everyone joked that it would eventually catch up with me and although I love vegetables and quite a few healthy things, I do LOVE pizza and junk food. As I left school and started attending college, I became a bit more lazy with my food choices as I got my freedom. You know the whole ''I've now got a job and I'm growing up and can do what I like with my money ...'', well I chose to go out, eat junk food and get a bit tipsy now and again. As we all do when we grow up. Also the fact that when your in school you have your regular P.E lessons like 2-3 times a week and when I went to college, I studied Art and Design so it was a lot of sitting down and not a lot of activeness.
Suffice to say, the food started to affect my body and before I knew it, I was creeping up to the 12 stone mark which at the age of 18, is not the best. I was always known for being a curvier girl, at 5ft 7 I could easily pull it off with my ample bosom and butt and everyone used to just say that I was always an hourglass so no one used to really say anything to my face. But I began to feel less comfortable in myself and wanted to do something about it.
My mum has also always struggled with weight. She never used to when she was younger, again around the age of 18 she had me and that's when it all went downhill. I think it's a genetics thing where we have really high metabolism and something just snaps and then it disappears. Well she's done a few SW and Weight Watcher diets, even the odd Atkins and all the shake related diets. We joined up to Weight Watchers together around 2010 time as she could see my weight was getting me down. Although I did not need to lose a lot of weight, I needed to do something and soon otherwise it would start to get out of control.
So we started Weight Watchers and in around 6 weeks, I'd lost over a stone and got down to around 11 stone which I was a lot happier with and eventually set my target to just below 11 stone. I felt on top of the world! I started going out a lot more and being social, buying nice dresses and getting a lot of attention when going out clubbing. I had not long broken up for a serious relationship when my now boyfriend Ashley asked me out on a date. At first, I kept refusing him and didn't want to go out with anyone. After 3 weeks of him asking I just said i'd go for a drink with him and then well, the rest is history.
Sadly this is where things started to go down hill. I was young and in love, and the diet went out of the window faster than you can say 'what diet?!'. After around 4 months of being together we moved out and started to play grown up's, you can only imagine what that did to my diet.
Well here we are 4 years later ..... and 4 stone heavier. Yes, I got a bit addicted to food and not caring because Ashley didn't either. We were in love and just got a little too happy. I eventually said this February enough was enough after trying and failing diets in between this time. Don't get me wrong, I managed to lose the odd stone but after a few weeks it was back on as I didn't really have the drive to keep going. The photo's above where from the day I joined SW. I was at my heaviest i've ever been at 14st 3.5lbs and sorry if they offend anyone, but it's good to show you the whole truth sometimes.

I am currently now 12 st 2lbs and have lost 2st1.5lbs (My starting weight was 14st 3.5lbs!!) I was originally quite scared to blurt out these numbers to everyone but feel now, I should be proud. I've come a long way and although I still have a total of 1st 2lbs until my target, I am getting there. I am currently losing my motivation again and need a real kick up the butt. I know this has been a long post but I feel I can vent and if it helps any of you too, well that will make me really happy. I would love to be able to get to my target and help inspire others. Maybe even one day, become a group consultant!
A little insight to the diet and I mean girls, It really is unlike other diets. You can eat pretty much anything you want as long as with things like meat, you trim off all the fat and instead of cooking in oil, you cook in frylight. You eat as much vegetables and fruit as you like and also, pasta and potatoes are not off limits! You get a certain amount of bread/cereal bars and dairy products a day and you get 5-15 syns a day for anything you can't have on the 'superfree' or 'free' options but other than that, the possibilites are endless. Here is an example of some of the meals I was having on my earlier weeks.

This is just my first update on here but I just wanted to catch you all up with a bit of a back story to how I got where I am now and why I first started the plan. If you have ANY questions please do get in touch via email at chloemarydavis@gmail.com or check out my instagram for daily updates at 'chlmrydvs'. I will be back next week hopefully with another update and they'll get a tad shorter with each one as I catch you up.
Thanks for reading guys! Love Lucky.