Saturday, 8 June 2013

Veet EasyWax Review (Bzzagent)

I am one of many ladies who love to try out new products thanks to the amazing website Bzzagent. Bzzagent is a brillaint way of trying out products for free for those of us bloggers whoaanre't quite popular enough yet to get freebies handed to us by promotion teams (although nothing is wrong with those who do get them!)

All Bzzagent asks of you is just to answer some easy surveys which take no time at all and then they match you up with up and coming campaigns to try new products. In return for recieving the products, they just ask for a small (or large if you wish) review and a few photo's, easy right? It's a real treat when they invite you to one and even better when it's something beauty related. Anyways on to the post, I was lucky enough to be invited to try the new Veet EasyWax roll on system and was delighted when it arrived on my doorstep.

Now, I am a bit a beauty guru when it comes down to skincare and product overloading but I have always steered away from the self waxing systems/ sections of stores. I've never even considering a professional waxing session as I thought the trusty old shaver would suffice (that and I am scared of any amount of pain that comes my way, eek!)

This is when I received my bzz invite for this interesting new product which claimed for easy waxing, all in one system with no mess, no fuss and (i'd heard) no pain! All of this in a very loving looking product and for free? I had to have in.Now even I didn't believe the 'no pain' and I knew it would hurt anyways but still thought what the hell, let's do this. The bzz kit arrived after a week or so (they're actually very quick to send them to you which is great!) and I was quite surprised which how much I was supplied with.

In my kit was the system itself, a refill for legs (which claimed to give me 4 sessions - 1 session being equal to two half legs) a refill for underarms and bikini section and inside the system were some finishing wipes and some cotton style strips to wax with, roughly around 10 strips and 4 wipes. I read the instructions and it said all I had to do was plug the system into the wall, pop the refill pad into the system and allow it to heat up for just 20 minutes and I would be on my way to gorgeously smooth legs, simple right? Wrong.

This is where I got a little let down by the product. 20 minutes after plugging it in and letting it heat up, it still wasn't easily rolling out of the system so I gave it another 20 minutes just in-case
I was being a bit too eager. This is when I tried to roll the wax onto my legs again. It actually hurt to get the system to deposit some wax onto my legs. Eventually I got the system to work and let the wax out but it was a very uneven application.

Once I got the wax onto my legs I simply then had to do apply the cotton strips, rub in opposite direction of the hair growth and pull away. One word - OUCH!! This was NOT pain free in anyway shape or form, also I will mention now that I couldn't actually do it alone at first. I had to get my boyfriend help me which he was not impressed with. For a 'easy use' system, it was quite hard to get to terms with and figure out how to use as it was no where near as easy as depicted in the instructions. It was also quite messy, the melted wax just kept collecting on the top of the machine and as you aren't meant to use water to clean it, it was hard to remove. I also would have presumed with them supplying 10 cotton strips and the applicator allowing 4 sessions I would need about 2-3 maximum to get all the hair off my legs, no. I had to use ALL 10 to get the hair off!

Overall, once I managed to do the second leg (alone this time) it was quite a nice result! 3 and a half weeks later though and I have to admit, I still have quite smooth legs. The hairs are starting to grow back now and I am a little sad that it's not going to be long until I will have to attempt it again or at least reach out for my trusty old razor. I was expecting a longer lasting resultand a much easier expierence and although I am so glad I got to give this a go and review it and also for free, I would not be repurchasing.

No pain no gain? I'll pass thank-you.If you want to read any of the other Bzz reviews from the lovely ladies who also got to try this product then just click to go to the Bzz review gallery and there are plenty of photo's to check out too.

If you'd also love to give this a try, Amazon are offering 50% off with this code EASYWAX4 just for us Bzz ladies to pass on to anyone who reads this review! I hope you've enjoyed reading this and I haven't scared you off DIY waxing all together!

Lucky xox