Monday, 15 October 2012

l'oreal feria mango 74.

On my ever ending quest to be 100% happy with my hair, I came across the 'cult' hair dye shade that everyone seems to be using to achieve beautiful red headed-ness. This shade is called Mango Intense Copper 74 by L'oreal. If you pick this up off the shelf, you may be a little intimidated. The box shows an extremely bright orange colour, but don't be scared. 

I've seen this shade multiple times on the shelf and I've always been afraid to use it. However, after asking many people how they keep their ginger/ auburn hair so fresh and bright, this always seemed to be the answer they gave me so I bucked up the courage and bought a box, although I do have mixed feelings about this product. It gave me a gorgeous shade of ginger but if i'm 100% honest, only I can seem to notice the difference. I think this is because I missed a teeny bit of hair near the roots in some parts and can see my original color, other than that no one really can see the difference.

(Before - my original colour before application)

(Shade 74, Contents and Box front)

 (After - Hair without filter in naturally lit room)

- The gloves provided are different to the usual see through gloves that you get that just seem to snap or do not fit your hands properly.
- The dye actually lifts the hair without having to pre-bleach and still gives quite a strong result dependent on your original hair colour.
- It's about an average price, mine cost me around £5.00 to £6.00 in a Savers store, I think its a little more expensive in boots but sometimes they appear on offers which is handy for longer hair that needs 2 or more boxes. 

- The smell was very strong and lingered on the hair even after washing the dye out. 
- The dye is verrrry bright and can stain items around you, my hair dripped when wet and has stained my bathroom floor with orange patches. 
- The colour can look a little 'fake' in certain lights, if you're after a more natural looking auburn or ginger I would NOT suggest this dye. 
- It didn't actually come out as bright as the box depicts, If you were after a stronger ginger shade i'd suggest the Paprika Power that comes in the same brand of dye. 

Would I re-purchase? 
I would maybe give this dye another try to fill in the little bits I missed, its a nice dye to use but for me it wasn't as bright as expected. I wanted to re-fresh my colour and it didn't really make it that much different, no one even noticed unless I told them.

Monday, 8 October 2012

lush - facial products.

So as most of my regular readers will know, Im a bit of a lushie. I love visiting any of their stores and coming out with some pamper goodies. I recently had 5 pots to exchange for my free face mask, after trialing a few of them and Catastrophe Cosmetic being a favourite, I wanted to try a new one again. I was suggested BB Seaweed by the sales person. He recommended it due to its cooling, softening and red reducing properties. I've only used it twice so far but I have to say its very calming on my skin and smells amazing. The bits of seaweed in the mask do annoy me. Its also apprently a gentle exfoliator but I dont feel that if im honest. I will continue to use and report back.

Lush have released all their new christmas products and I am ever so excited to try some of them out. The first one I grabbed was Bouche De Noel which is a facial cleanser that has been compared to AOBS which I love to use and have recently ran out of. It claims to do exactly as AOBS does but its just more of a festive edition. It smells exactly like christmas pudding and it has a stickier texture to the mix. I have only used it this evning but have to say I think it will become a favorite, even though its sadly a festive edition and wont be avaliable all year round.

Have you bought any of the new Lush items or bought either of these recently? Do you have any suggestions? Feel free to comment, I love to read your comments and try to reply to most :)