So this is the first issue of Beauty on a Budget series. I will be doing short issues of these describing products I think are worth the money and the usage you get from them, or cheaper products that work just as good as the big names. So here goes, this version is a little more of a Lush issue but I will get to other products in the next few posts like this.
Budget Beauty 1 - Angels on Bare Skin
This product is a facial cleanser that comes in a different texture to what most of us are used to, its not a cream or a liquid but its a solid product. It has a porridge consistency to it which is rather odd but makes for a great product. You basically pull off a pea sized amount of the product (A little more if you want a big cleanse) add a small amount of water to the product and massage it between your hands. You get a milky paste that you have to massage over your face and bumps off the dirt and sweat on your face and then you simply wash it off with a facial cloth. It has a lavender sent to it, contains almonds and has little seeds and various items inside the mixture that create a slight exfoliation for your skin and reduces redness on your face. I actually use this in the mornings to prepare my skin for makeup, I haven't tested this on my skin with makeup on just yet as I have another product for that but I'm sure it will work just as good. At £6.25 for 100G this product really does go a long long way. I was given a sample size of this and was told it would last me about a week or so, which shocked me so I used it and it actually lasted me about 2 weeks just using it as a morning cleanser. I would recommend this to anyone who is trying to switch up their skin care a little. They do other versions for different skin types but this will suit most types, especially spot prone and red toned skin.

Budget Beauty 2 - Catastrophe Cosmetic
This is one of many Fresh Face Masks that Lush sell and although they don't last as long as face masks you can buy from Boots and Body Shop and such, they really are worth the cash you pay for them. This one is perfect for my skin type, it helps to reduce redness, cools the skin and helps problem skin in the moments that you really need it. It has a Blueberry base which everyone knows contains anti-oxidants and it also contains Chamomile and Calamine which help with inflammation and irritation of the skin. You get about 6-10 uses out of this 45G pot, depending on how much you use (I get about 7-8 uses but I slap it on quite thickly as its a dream for my skin) and at the price of £5.95 you're looking at about £1.00- £0.60 per face mask which when you think about the packets of face masks, its about the same price and if not, a little cheaper. Sadly they only have about 1 month's use and they have to be kept in the fridge at all times, but this really is amazing and gives you such good skin. It helps to tone down all redness, prevents spots and soothe inflammation of spots and gives you really smooth skin after use.

Budget Beauty 3 - UltraBland
This is another one of Lush's facial cleansers but unlike Angels on Bare Skin, it is a softer butter like texture. In a really odd way it reminds me of peanut butter, smells peanuty too but thats because it does contain almonds so that may be part of the smell. A few more ingredients that UltraBland contains are;
-Rose Water and Rose Absoloute (Which help reduce redness and bring the skin back to basics and calms it from overuse of products)
- Honey (Which helps soothe and acts as a natural antiseptic)
- Fresh Irises steeped in Almond Oil (Which are an ancient secret to help beautify the skin)
This product really does bump off any makeup you have and is so gentle and effective it can be rubbed over closed eyelids and removes even waterproof mascara. I really don't think I could live without this product, I am already on my second pot and at £6.25 for 45G its worth the money, but if you think that's not bad then you'll be surprised at the larger pot of 100G for only £4.50 more at £10.75. This sounds like a lot of money, but trust me, you literally need to dip your fingertip into this product and that is enough to go all over your face (you may need a little more if you've caked it on for a night out or something) and it will effectively remove all makeup, dirt and grease. Due to the Beeswax and Almond oil, it is a little greasy on the skin but once washed off, its done its job. Its a strange texture to get used to at first but it works. I would suggest this to anyone who needs something to get rid of makeup and leave your skin feeling squeaky clean.

Budget Beauty 4 - The Comforter
This is actually one of Lush's bubble bars but if you're a fan in any sense of their Bath Bombs then i'd suggest you go for something more like this and I will explain why. This is a HUGE chunk of product for not a big price, you need hardly any of the product for it to work and you get multiple uses out of it. With this you basically have to crumble off a small part of the bar (I've used it 3 times and still have enough for 2-3 more uses) and crumble it under a hot running tap. This will instantly start to create bubbles and colour the bath for you too, just the job a bath bomb does and with the added bonus of more bubbles! This one gives you a candy pink coloured back and smells of blackcurrants which is delicious. I'm not sure about the weight of them but like I said, you get about 6-7 uses out of it and its only £4.25 for the whole bar, bargain.